NZ Bkpg Bee Diseases Organisation Information Contacts


Pest and Diseases of the Honey Bee

Varroa Outbreak

On 13 April 2000, the varroa mite was first found in New Zealand.

Draft Transitional (2 Year) Varroa Management Plan - Phase II of a three-phase varroa management plan...

Press Releases - A chronology of the months following the finding of varroa...

Plan for Eradication - Ultimately this plan was not adopted, but it is still useful and interesting reading...

NBA's Proposed Plan for Eradication - The National Beekeepers' Assn proposed this plan as an alternative eradication plan...

Plan for Control - Again, not all aspects of this plan were ultimately adopted, but the plan is presented here for reference...

Submissions for Control/Eradication - A summary of the submissions made on the two plans put before the Government...

American Foulbrood Pest Management Strategy

Background to the PMS

NZ's Pest Management Strategy: How it Works in Practice - Paper presented by Murray Reid to Apimondia in Vancouver.

Controlling AFB Without Drugs - New Zealand's Approach - Paper presented by Cliff Van Eaton to Apimondia in Vancouver.

Presentation to Third National Pest Summit - Prepared by Bruce Stevenson for April 1999 seminar held in Palmerston North.

Keynote Address - Presented to Third National Pest Summit by Hon John Luxton.

DECA and Competency Test

DECA Test Information and Application - Details on how to register for the competency test required for DECA holders.

The NO DRAMA Competency Examination for AFB control - Article for June 1999 NZ Beekeeper magazine, describing the competency test to become an Approved Beekeeper.

DECA Time... - Article for April 1999 NZ Beekeeper magazine, describing the practical aspects of applying for a Disease Elimination Conformity Agreement.

Legal Basis of the PMS

Apiaries Act 1969 - The previous bee disease regulations for New Zealand.

Biosecurity Act 1993 - The Act used to create our Pest Management Strategy.

Biosecurity (National American Foulbrood Pest Management Strategy) Order 1998 - The Order in Council that created the Pest Management Strategy.

Manuals and Guides

Detection of American Foulbrood Using Bacterial Cultures - A laboratory manual to teach beekeepers how to confirm and identify AFB by a (relatively simple) laboratory culture test.

User's Guide to the Pest Management Strategy - A simplified description of the various obligations imposed by the Pest Management Strategy.

Eliminating AFB Without the Use of Drugs - A practical manual for beekeepers with information about how to deal with AFB from a 'planned management' point of view.

Honey Bee Exotic Diseases and Pests - Identifying pests and diseases not presently found in New Zealand.

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